Friday, October 12, 2007

Back to Blogging -- a summary of the last three months

Well after sometime away from the blog we are back at it and hopefully will keep everyone up dated. I can't believe that it has been nearly three months since we had an entry into the blog and specially since we have came back from our epic tour of Australia and Hawaii. Lots of exciting things have happened since that time and probably to many to list out. But the high lights are:
Tennis lessons for Gabbie and Baseball camp for Gavin when we first got back.
Back to school and the fire station for Stephanie and myself.
Gabbie getting her tonsils and adenoids out.
Start of football season, so Gavin and I heading down to watch the Beavers play. Both good and bad.
Start of 1st and 3rd grades for Gavin and Gabbie. New back packs, meeting up with friends after a long summer, all day at school and lunch for Gavin, new teachers and principal.
Starting of soccer season for Gavin, so far he had two goals, he is on a good little team of all 6 year old kids playing kids up to age 8 plus they only have 7 players and they play 6 on 6 some the kids get lots of playing time. Haven't won any games yet but a couple of draws but most importantly they have fun and play hard.
Decision to get a new dog. Chocolate lab born September 9th, will finally see them this weekend and get to take her home in the first week of November. Her name has already been picked out, ROXY.
New vacation home in Eagle Crest. We are actually headed up there today to check it out. Pictures to follow of the house, but it will be a great family vacation house.

Well I am sure I have missed a lot of other things that have occurred over this time, but at least this is a brief run down on what we have done. I will post picture today of the happenings of the last couple of months plus some of our Australia and Hawaii pictures.